The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program – the United States performance excellence award program, part of the Department of Commerce.  The purpose is to increase the competitiveness of US companies.
European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) – the performance excellence award program for Europe and many Middle Eastern countries.
Performance Excellence Network – the performance excellence award program for the states of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Paul Grizzell is a Judge in this program.
ILPEx – The Illinois Performance Excellence program.  Paul Grizzell is a Judge in this program.
SPQA –  The Senate Productivity and Quality Award – the Virginia Quality Award program. Paul Grizzell is a Judge in this program.
AHCA/NCAL – the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living Quality Initiative.  Paul Grizzell is a Judge in this program.
ASQ – ASQ is a global community of people passionate about quality, who use the tools, their ideas and expertise to make our world work better.  ASQ:  The Global Voice of Quality.