Meet Paul Grizzell

Paul Grizzell brings experience in helping organizations improve their results through a focus on system-wide performance excellence.
He has experience in leading and deploying Baldrige-based performance excellence initiatives, with expertise in aligning those efforts with specific improvement initiatives such as Six Sigma and Lean.
Paul also has expertise in engaging senior leaders in the process – helping them understand the “Why?” of a Baldrige-based performance excellence journey.
As an Alumni Senior Examiner on the Department of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Board of Examiners, Paul has led multiple site visits and trains Baldrige Examiners, New Examiners, and Senior Examiners. He is a Judge for the American Health Care Association (AHCA), the Illinois Performance Excellence Award, the Minnesota Quality Award and the Virginia Senate Productivity and Quality Award and a past Judge for the Army Communities of Excellence Award. Paul is a past member of the Board of Directors of the MN, SD, and ND Performance Excellence Network (PEN). Paul has served on the Juran Fellows Selection Board for the Juran Center for Leadership in Quality at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. He has presented at national and international conferences on performance excellence, Baldrige deployment, and effective benchmarking.
Fifteen years of customer-focused sales and marketing management experience prepared Paul for understanding his clients’ businesses. This experience in dealing directly with clients has been invaluable in helping partner organizations ensure performance excellence initiatives are aligned with customer requirements. He brings a diverse background of business management and business improvement consulting in a variety of industries including health care, manufacturing, service, non-profit, and small business.
Paul Grizzell is a 19-year Baldrige Examiner, an EFQM Assessor, and a Licensed Advisor for EFQM.
Learn more by visiting Paul Grizzell’s LinkedIn profile.