Core Values Partners’ coaching guides you through the Baldrige or EFQM Criteria as you apply them to your organization, identifying your strengths and your opportunities for improvement. Through each leg of your journey, your understanding of Baldrige or EFQM and the benefits to your organization will increase.

More than qualifying for the national quality awards, however, these coaching services will help organizations realize and apply the values that will definitely improve the quality of their operations. Once you have these best practices ingrained into the core of what you do, going up the ranks in your industry won’t look like an impossible effort.

  • Awareness  You leadership team can commit to the journey for performance excellence with confidence after Core Values Partners helps you understand the Baldrige or EFQM Criteria and its value as a systematic management system that drives improved outcomes.
  • Assessment  An initial assessment of your organization conducted against the Baldrige or EFQM Criteria will help to focus and align your improvement efforts. Your organization’s Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement, and a Baldrige-based benchmark score against which to assess future progress, will be documented and delivered to your leadership team.
  • Application  Development of your application will prepare you to apply at the state or national level. Core Values Partners will work with your leaders to effectively use the application process to identify Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement to drive performance excellence results. We also will help prepare your organization for a site visit as you move further into the process.
  • Advancement  Core Values Partners will assist your organization in using the feedback report to prioritize and accelerate your improvement efforts. Reinforcing the Strengths identified in the feedback report and using identified Opportunities for Improvement (OFIs) create a basis for continuous and breakthrough improvement.

So what does Core Values Partners do?

We have a collection of activities and services that can identify specific process improvements that your organization might be missing or is having trouble perfecting. These processes are based on best practices of other high-performing organizations that have been identified as role model organizations.

Performance excellence coaching – organizations that have made a commitment to performance excellence gain value from having a coach to guide them along the journey.  They are already at good to very good performance levels, and want to reach high levels of excellence.   Core Values Partners can help focus, align, and accelerate™ that journey based on our experience in working with other high-performing organizations.

Application Preparation –  whether you’ve already developed an application or you’re starting from scratch, Core Values Partners can help you develop or improve your Baldrige application or EFQM Management Document.  We help you refine your Application or Management Document so that it is written in the language that Examiners are Assessors are looking for – helping to accelerate your improvement journey.  Most of all, we help you use the document as a tool to move your organization along the performance excellence journey.

Leadership development – developing your senior leadership team in alignment with the Baldrige or EFQM Criteria helps ensure alignment of your leaders in your journey to excellence.  Developing your leadership system helps ensure that leaders know expectations.  An effective leadership system helps ensure organizational sustainability, effective succession planning and career progression, and value-added leadership development.

Site visit preparation – preparing your organization for a site visit, whether at the Baldrige or EFQM Award level, state or national programs, or specific programs like AHCA/NCAL Award, preparing your staff for the site visit can ensure a more successful visit.  Preparing your staff helps relieve anxiety, helping them understand the difference between a performance excellence site visit and a regulatory audit.  What’s a big difference?  The performance excellence site visit isn’t reported to any outside organization – it’s all about making your organization better.


As your coach, Core Values Partners helps you create teams, envision outcomes, inform decisions, formalize processes, simplify the complex, create passion, and achieve performance excellence.

You will benefit from our:

  • Experience
  • Ease of interaction
  • Investment in YOU